Earlier this month, young people from Leeds, Stirling, Glasgow, West Lothian and Edinburgh came together for Woodcraft Folk’s first Camps for All adventure in Scotland!
The group was made up of young people aged between 10 and 15. Some of the participants were already members of Woodcraft Folk and for others, this was their first experience with the organisation. The residential took place at The Craigs Scout Campsite in West Lothian.
The group took part in cooperative challenges, games, bushcraft activities such as fire lighting and whittling, wide games in the woods, crafts and a walk around the local natural area across the weekend. All of the activities were a great way for the group to get to know each other, learn new skills and build resilience.
The group really enjoyed the bushcraft activities, especially working cooperatively in small teams to get a fire lit and keep it going for 15 minutes.
“I loved the moment when our fire finally got going with the flint and steel” – participant age 11

In the evenings, the activities didn’t stop, with a night walk on the first night to see the stars and a campfire with marshmallows on the final night of the residential. During the weekend, the group took part in ‘clans’ where everyone was able to support in the preparation, cooking and washing up of each meal. Some valuable skills were learned with some young people learning how to chop onions and peppers for the first time.

On the Saturday afternoon, the group had the choice to go on a walk up to a view point on the campsite or to stay and make survival bracelets. On return from the walk, the young people who had made the bracelets taught the rest of the group the technique so everyone could go home with at least one bracelet.

The residential was led by Woodcraft Folk staff, a volunteer from Glasgow and two DF volunteers from Cambridge who helped to deliver the games, walk, bushcraft and other activities.
Woodcraft Folk staff and volunteers are already preparing for the next Camps For All event which will take place at the charity’s Height Gate centre- find out more about Camps for All here.