Book Launch – Education for Social Change

Doug Bourn, previous General Secretary of Woodcraft Folk, is launching Education for Social Change – Perspectives on Global Learning. The book introduces students to education as a vehicle for social change.

Doug Bourn begins the book by providing historical context of how education has been linked to social change around the world and moves on, in the second section of the book, to discuss potential theoretical and conceptual frameworks for thinking about education for social change. The third sections cover how social change has been explored and promoted within different areas of learning, including schooling, youth work and higher education. The fourth section looks at the opportunities and challenges for promoting education for social change and reviews current international initiatives including those of global citizenship and climate change.

Key theorists are introduced throughout the book including bell hooks, Dewey, Giroux, Gramsci, and Freire. Each chapter begins with an opening question and ends with bulleted concluding points, questions for discussion and a further reading list. The book also includes a foreword written by Tania Ramalho (State University of New York, USA).

There will be a live book launch hosted by University College London on Tuesday 8 February which will include a discussion on the relationship of global youth work to social change and uses Woodcraft Folk as an excellent case study.

Woodcraft Folk members, supporters and friends are invited to join the online book launch.


You can watch a recording of the event here

You can find out more about the book, and purchase a copy, here.

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