An update from Woodcraft Folk’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group

Woodcraft Folk’s Equality Diversity & Inclusion Working Group continue with their work to review the volunteer experience – seeking to welcome more, and a greater diversity of, volunteers to the organisation. Please see their latest update video here.

In December, the group invited volunteers to respond to a demographic survey, highlighting who volunteers for the organisations and who is not included. Initial survey results suggest that people of colour are underrepresented across the organisation, that more women volunteer (67.9%) then men and a large number of our volunteers are primary carers for children (47.1%). Other interesting stats highlighted were:

  • 36% of respondents described themselves as in full-time employment, with a further 17% describing themselves as retired
  • 12.7% of respondents described themselves as having a disability
  • 24.3% of respondents described themselves as having a health condition which impacts on their lives
  • 17.8% of respondents described themselves as neurodiverse

More work is ongoing to analyse the responses, including looking at the differences of different age groups and intersectionality.

The EDI Working Group has also begun to respond to feedback from 7PK, who have reviewed Woodcraft Folk’s policies and procedures. Amendments will be made to make them clearer to all, but also to strengthen Woodcraft Folk’s commitment to inclusion and equity.

Next steps

Throughout the Spring term, the EDI Working Group and 7PK will be undertaking further research, inviting volunteers, ex-volunteers and those who started the volunteer journey to share their experiences through surveys, workshops at regional gatherings and dedicated focus groups. 

The surveys are all designed to explore individuals’ experiences of volunteering for the organisation and how we can make improvements to make it easier, more open, supportive and inclusive. We are inviting active volunteers to complete a detailed inclusion survey, found here sharing your reflections on recruitment, on-boarding, training and progression. Please do take a few minutes to complete the survey or submit a video or voice recording if you prefer to share your experiences more directly via the email addresses below.

If you would like to participate in a focus group or have any questions please contact or 

Members of the EDI Working Group for Woodcraft Folk

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