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All Change T-shirt Design Competition

The All Change project is running a T-Shirt design competition and you can become a part of it! The All Change project is funded by the National Association for Environmental Education and seeks to engage young people in shaping climate education.

The project team of young climate educators will work alongside experienced climate scientists and educators to produce a range of interactive activities designed to introduce children and young people to climate science and the climate emergency. The winning T-shirt design will be chosen by a vote from the team of climate educators which will work on the project this year. The T-shirts will then be printed and worn by them when delivering workshops and attending conferences on climate science in the future.

How to enter the competition

The All Change project would love to see designs created by people from all areas across the UK age 6-18.

Make sure your design reflects one or more of the following themes:

  • The climate emergency
  • Importance of the climate emergency to young people
  • Things young people want to know about the climate emergency
  • Things young people want to change about our approach to managing and slowing climate change 

You can either make your design on a computer or by hand.

Maximum dimensions of the picture should be 30×21 cm (A4 paper size).

You can submit your picture online for the T-shirt design competition before 11 April 2022 via this form.

Any questions about the All Change project or the competition get in touch to

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