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Water Relay


This is an outside game and best for summer as people might get wet.

You will need:

  • 4 buckets,
  • water,
  • some plastic bottles with holes punched in with a pair of scissors or screwdriver

What to do: 

Split the group into two teams and establish a start line and a finish line for the activity. Each team puts a full bucket of water at their start line and an empty bucket at the finish. Distribute the bottles evenly between the two teams.

The challenge for each team is to get the most water from the bucket at one end of the course
to the bucket at the other end. All you have to transport the water are the leaky bottles. You can only run with one bottle at a time (like in a relay race) but there’s no limit on the number of people holding each bottle to move between the buckets. The idea is that it will take more than one person to cover enough holes in a leaky bottle to be able to transport the water from one end to the other. Meanwhile, the rest of the team can be filling up the next bottle ready to go.


Make sure you’ve put enough holes in each bottle so that one person can’t cover them all with their hands.

You could make the task more difficult by introducing obstacles to go around, climb over and crawl under.

Resources Required

4 buckets, water, some plastic bottles with holes punched in with a pair of scissors or screwdriver.


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