Rough Guide to Pioneers


Make a short film or guidebook to introduce what Pioneers are all about to new members!

Reasons to do this activity

  • To encourage the pioneers to define and explain what it is they think that their Woodcraft group does.
  • To help Pioneers see how their Woodcraft Group fits into the wider community.
  • To involve the whole group in a joint creative project.


This activity involves making a short film or guidebook to introduce what Pioneers are all about to new members. This project might work well as a ‘running’ project over a period of three or four nights. If it
was given forty minutes over a few nights, Pioneers might have a chance to develop ideas over time. Encourage them to pay attention to adverts, music videos (film) or newspapers, books and magazines (guidebook).

What to do

Start by having a brainstorming circle where you make a list of words that describe Woodcraft Folk. You could ask them the below questions to get thoughts and word flowing:

  • Why do you like Woodcraft?
  • What makes Woodcraft different from other youth groups?
  • What kinds of things do you do at Woodcraft?
  • What are the best things you do as Pioneers?
  • Have you learnt anything interesting at Woodcraft?
  • What’s your best Woodcraft memory?

Think about how you want your video, leaflet, poster or guide book to look. Sometimes simple ideas can be very powerful Ask the group at this stage for their ideas. Some prompt questions might include:

  • Are there any adverts or social media videos that have ideas in them that you’d like to adapt?
  • If you are making a video, will people speak? Will you use signs and pictures?
  • Will you have any interviews?
  • Instead of a video could you could make a leaflet, poster, newspaper article?
  • Are there any photos of the group you could use?
  • Will you do drawings and cartoons? How about a comic strip?

Once you have decided on your idea (or perhaps split into smaller groups to explore different ideas) and put your ideas into action. Make videos, leaflets, posters etc. and tell others why they should join your group.

Once each group is finished look over the final product as a group. Can everyone state one new thing they have learned about their group from doing this project? Is there anything they’d like to see more of in the group or even anything they’d like to change?

Once you have reflected on your creations you could invite family, friends and others to watch the videos and see your creations. Perhaps you could have a launch party or use as part of a taster session for new members

Don’t forget to send a copy of your creations to folk office staff so that we can put it up on the website for everyone to see! (email

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