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2022 annual report showcases inspiring and impactful work in youth sector

Trustees Aggie Taylor (Chair), Roland Susman (Treasuer) and Jeremy Hudson joined Debs McCahon (CEO) to launch Woodcraft Folk’s latest Annual Report and Accounts in preparation for the Annual General Meeting, Thursday 10th August. A recording of the pre-AGM meeting can be found here.

Debs shared headlines from groups, projects and centres – details of which can be found in the Annual Report document. Debs highlighted that Trustees were both pleased by existing Districts opening new local groups, but also the new groups which have been established in new areas – such as Glossop, Plymouth. Group and volunteer support, especially rebuilding capacity after COVID disruptions, remain the number one priority of Trustees and the Membership Team with more communications campaigns, training and support from the enhanced staff team.

Roland shared Woodcraft Folk finances, including how Trustees have chosen to invest a recent legacy. The Trustees have agreed a financial strategy which seeks to support Woodcraft Folk to be financially sustainable by the end of 2025. For example, the Trustees have employed a permanent Fundraiser for the first time with the aim of increasing unrestricted income – enabling reinvestment into groups and volunteering. The Trustees have also invested in communications with increased staff capacity and a number of targeted recruitment campaigns – volunteers, young members, centre volunteers and more!

During the meeting volunteers, young members and supporters were invited to submit questions in advance by emailing All questions and response will be shared with the movement, as Trustees really want to be open and support everyone to have a good understanding of what the Board does and the decisions it has made in the last 12 months.

And finally, group and Districts contacts were reminded to discuss the AGM with their local members: registering and casting their vote before the deadline on Friday 28th July.

Don’t forget to join us Woodcraft Folk on the day, either in person or online! Event details can be found here.

All AGM information can be found here.

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