Woodcraft Folk’s Trustee Board welcomes two new members

Woodcraft Folk’s Trustee Board welcomes two new young members, Eedie and Ray. Eedie was elected at Woodcraft Folk’s Annual General Meeting in August and Ray was elected by the DF movement at Althing later the same month. 

Eedie has grown up through the Woodcraft Folk movement from Elfins to DFs, including serving on Venturer Committee. Eedie is active in her District, co-leads her local DF group and is a member of the London Regional Committee. Eedie has recently participated in an international seminar of youth leadership with IFM-SEI.

On her election Eedie said “I stood for General Council because Woodcraft Folk has empowered me to be a young person with a voice and I want to use that voice to play an active role in the organisation I love so much. I am excited for my time in General Council which I’m sure will be a great learning opportunity for me.”

Ray too has grown up in the movement and has taken on the role of DF Chair since Summer 2021.

Both young members join the Board at an exciting time as the charity evaluates the recent international camp Common Ground and begins plans for its centenary camp in 2025.

Woodcraft Folk’s Trustee Board has 50% of places reserved for young people under the age of 25, ensuring that all decisions are shaped by the lived experiences of our young members. Currently there are a number of vacancies on the Board both for young members and adult volunteers. The Trustees are especially looking for volunteers with experience or an interest in fundraising, communications or property management. If you are interested in being co-opted and joining the Trustee team please contact chair@woodcraft.org.uk 

All Woodcraft Folk members are welcome to observe General Council meetings. For more information about General Council look out for their regular updates or email general.council@woodcraft.org.uk  

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