Our most flexible opportunity, join a team to provide residential experiences to children and young people. Choose to help create engaging activities, organise the food or work out the logistics of hosting 100s or 1000s of young people in a field!
Our most flexible opportunity, join a team to provide residential experiences to children and young people. Choose to help create engaging activities, organise the food or work out the logistics of hosting 100s or 1000s of young people in a field!
Woodcraft Folk, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS • Phone: (+44) 020 7703 4173 • Email: info@woodcraft.org.uk
Woodcraft Folk is a registered charity in England & Wales (1148195) and in Scotland (SC039791), and a company registered in England & Wales, Company No. 8133727 • ©2022
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