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Supporters Update March

Watch again to hear Debs McCahon (CEO) and Grace Dobbie (Fundraiser) share the latest news from across Woodcraft Folk’s membership and centres.

Debs started the regular quarterly update celebrating the opening of 7 new groups. The Membership team is currently supporting the development of new groups in Seaford, Eastbourne, Frome, Calder Valley & Cambourne. 

Debs went on the celebrate news from across the centre network, which included:

  • Successful delivery of the Adventures Away from Home scheme, providing 250 residential experiences and 100 day activities to children and young people
  • Plans to deliver Generation Green activities for schools local to Biblins
  • Biblins Bunkhouse renovation project
  • Cudham playground development
  • Lockerbrook outdoor classroom plans

Individuals were invited to donate or share the Biblins Bunkhouse fundraiser, as the first phase of development starts to reopen this historic building. Other opportunities to support Woodcraft Folk’s centres include the Big Give’s Green Match funding which goes live 22nd-29th April. The Lockerbrook outdoor classroom project, designed by Pioneers, will receive match funding – doubling every pound donated during the campaign week.

Grace gave an update on the latest Camp 100 news: 664 bookings made so far, and the team are encouraging groups to book before April 1st. If you are interested in volunteering at camp there are still positions available, which you can find here

  • Grace also gave an update on Trade Unions that have re-affiliated with woodcraft folk in 2025, which includes national PCS and NEU, as well as a range of regions and branches. If you have ideas about how Woodcraft Folk can work with your trade union, please contact, I’d love to hear from you!
  • Grace is encouraging all Friends of the Folk to Recruit a Friend to Support Woodcraft Folk…regular donations (as well as our amazing volunteers) help our impactful youth work happen. Bring a Friend, Support Woodcraft Folk here

Lastly, Grace reminded everyone of some dates for your diary!

  • Biblins Camp Koodoo build weekend: 26-26th April
  • Lockerbrook working weekend: 10-11th May
  • Next Supporter’s Update: 11th June 
  • Camp 100 Showcase day: 31st July 
  • Annual General Meeting: 2nd August
  • Camp 100 Family & Friends day: 3rd August

The next Supporters Update is taking place on Wednesday 11th June, find the joining link here.

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