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Camp & Residential Checklist

Overnight activities, whether under canvas or in bunkhouses, pose a greater organisational challenge, and involve an increased level of risk, compared to group night sessions.

This checklist will ensure that your planned activity meets Woodcraft Folk’s minimum expectations for overnight activities with children & young people, and should be completed by the volunteer responsible for the activity not less than 7 days before the event.

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Over 18
under 18
This cannot be the same as the camp/event co-ordinator
Which age groups are involved as participants in this event?
Event Management
For mixed-age groups, volunteers have been identified to be responsible for each age group
Volunteer screening & training
Managing risk
External instructors with suitable insurance cover have been engaged to lead activities not covered by Woodcraft Folk insurance
Participants & programme
Personal and communal equipment being transported in vans or lorries does not exceed the maximum permitted weight


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