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Residential Adventures resources

Welcome to this resources list! If you want to help fundraise for the Christmas Challenge “Residential Adventures” campaign, you’re in the right place. This document has information for people who are running fundraising events and for groups that want to help in smaller ways (for instance, telling members’ families about the campaign, and sending us photos of group residentials). Here’s a list of what you’ll find:

Campaign page and donations

This is where you donate, and has all the information about the campaign and the residentials we’re fundraising for. Donations are open between 12 noon on Tuesday 29th November and 12 noon on Tuesday 6th December.

Fundraising events need to be held by Saturday 3rd December, so that you can donate before the Challenge ends. Collect and count all donations received, then one person needs to donate the total amount raised on behalf of the group. Donations are made online here by credit/debit card. Please don’t GiftAid your group’s donation, as the money has come from many different sources, not just you. Event donations must be made by Sunday 4th December if possible!

How to share/publicity

Let your group members know what the campaign is about, and why we’re fundraising for it. Tell their parents/carers, ask them to pass on the message to any family members or friends who know about Woodcraft – families of young members are our biggest supporters! Find out if your work will do charity donations, or if they’ll match your donation. Ask your union to affiliate with Woodcraft Folk. If your job/union has questions about the campaign and how they can support us, tell them they can get in touch with

This is the easiest page to share to let people know about the campaign:

If you are on social media, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. We will be posting images, text and videos on our pages that you can share with your social network. We’ll be posting all of this just before the campaign starts in November. Make sure you’ve “followed” our Facebook page as well as “liked” it, because that means you’ll see the posts without having to check our page! 

We will be making lots of posters and pictures that you can use for your event! Check back here nearer the time to find them.

Information for parents/carers

We’ll be writing a short paragraph for you to easily copy and paste to let your young members’ families know about the campaign. Check back here nearer the time.

For parents/carers of children in a Woodcraft group putting on a fundraising event:

  • If you’re running a fundraising event, let them know the details of the event – date, time, location, anything you need to bring – especially if it’s different from your normal group night! 
  • “Can you help more children have Residential Adventures? This Christmas, help children and families who can’t afford to go to camp, whilst supporting our residential work. Donate now to give a child a Woodcraft Folk adventure of their very own. Everything donated before 6th December is doubled by our funders, in the Big Give’s Christmas challenge!
  • We’re raising money for Residential Adventures: in 2023, Woodcraft Folk are hosting 30,000 nights of adventure and much needed escape to the great outdoors. These residentials are filled with co-operative, environmental and well-being focused activities – your donations mean we can remove the financial barriers for those children and young people with the most to gain.”

For parents/carers of children in a school putting on an event:

  • Let them know the details of the event – date, time, and what they have to do for their child to participate.
  • “We’re fundraising for Woodcraft Folk’s “Residential Adventures” Christmas Challenge – a campaign to help more children have residential adventures in the great outdoors. Woodcraft Folk have worked with our school and introduced our students to co-operative play and fun residential weekends, and now they need our help to offer these experiences to more children. You can help give another child an adventure this Christmas! Everything donated before 6th December is doubled by our funders
  • In 2023, Woodcraft Folk are hosting 30,000 nights of adventure and much needed escape to the great outdoors. These residentials are filled with co-operative, environmental and well-being focused activities – your donations mean we can remove the financial barriers for those children and young people with the most to gain.”

Tell your story

Let people know you’re donating, or why this campaign is important to you. Share it on social media (see “how to share”), tell your friends, let your work and your union know why this campaign matters. 

Also: tell us your Woodcraft residential stories so we can let other people know why Woodcraft camps/centres/residentials are great for young people! Get quotes from young members; photos from your residential trips; videos if you can. Why do they like camping with Woodcraft? What have they got from it? Make sure you have permission recorded, from parents/carers or young people aged over 13. We can use these quotes to let members of the public know what the benefits of Woodcraft residentials are, and why they should help more young people attend. Email us your stories at 

Group fundraising ideas

Ideas and case studies for fundraising events for local Woodcraft groups, written by local Woodcraft groups.

Woodcraft Folk resources

Sponsor forms

Risk assessment guidance

Ask our fundraiser Cici if you need any more help! 

PTA fundraising website

This site has a lot of event ideas, case studies and advice. If you can’t find it on that page, try googling “PTA raffle” or whatever event you’d like advice on. 


We held a webinar on 3rd November to talk through how you can help fundraise for the Christmas Challenge. We talked through through the info on this page and some more about the campaign itself and why we’re fundraising for it! If you couldn’t catch it live, watch it here on YouTube:


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