Reporting & Recordkeeping Guidance

This guidance should be followed by all volunteers working in groups and districts across Woodcraft Folk. It should also inform the procedures and practice of projects, whether led by staff, volunteers or a combination of both.

This guidance is compliant with the requirements of Woodcraft Folk’s Safeguarding and Data Protection policies. Separate guidance is available to support the retention of financial records for groups and districts.

Records of concerns and incidents escalated to Woodcraft Folk’s safeguarding team will be kept centrally to ensure that the organisation is able to meet its obligations to current and former beneficiaries and volunteers.

Details of the correct reporting procedures and the retention information can be found in the attached document.

Raising Concerns

All concerns about the welfare or safety of a child or young person (including DFs over 18 years) should be reported and recorded. This includes informal concerns where an individual may be unsure of what specifically has raised their concern. Records of concerns should include:

  • Date and time of incident/disclosure
  • Parties who were involved, including any witnesses to an event
  • What was said or done and by whom
  • Name of person reporting on the concern, name and role of the person to
  • whom the concern was reported, date and time and their contact details
  • Any action taken

If any interpretation/inference is drawn from what was observed, said or alleged, this must be clearly recorded as such. Records of concerns should be signed and dated.

Concerns or incidents which may increase the level of a child or young person’s vulnerability should be reported to the Local Safeguarding Lead. They will liaise with Woodcraft Folk’s Lead Safeguarding Officer to refer concerns to other
agencies if appropriate.

If an adult believes a child or young person is in immediate danger or risk of harm then they should call Police via 999 and ask for the Duty Child Protection Officer.

Reporting Concerns, Incidents & Accidents

Correct reporting and retention of information relating to concerns, incidents and accidents is important to:

  • meet regulatory and legal requirements
  • support the organisation to improve policy and practice
  • inform child protection decisions and keep young people safe
  • inform future recruitment decisions

Records kept locally and centrally may also be used to support insurance claims, or investigations in respect of civil claims or alleged/suspected criminal offences.

Removal from Records

Individuals may request to have their information removed from Woodcraft Folk’s Membership database. In such cases this will be done but a record of the individual’s involvement in Woodcraft Folk will be maintained e.g. name, date of birth, contact details, role, group, District, length of service, start date & screening decision. Once an individual has been removed from the Membership database they will no longer receive routine communications from Woodcraft Folk, but may be contacted to support an investigation if a child protection issue came to light during their period of involvement.

Branch Closures

If a local branch of Woodcraft Folk ceases to operate, any electronic and paper records should be transferred securely to Woodcraft Folk’s Lead Safeguarding Officer.

Destruction of Records

Electronic data should be permanently deleted, and paper records should be destroyed securely (e.g. by shredding or incineration) when the required retention period has elapsed.

Further Support & Guidance

If you require further information or advice, contact Woodcraft Folk’s Safeguarding team via

Approval Date: November 2021

Review Date: November 2023


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