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New Parents FAQ

What group should my child join?

Our core age groups are Elfins (age 6 to 9), Pioneers (age 10 to 12), and Venturers (age 13 to 15). Younger children can join a Woodchip group, and from 16 young members can participate in District Fellowship activities. Find out about all our age groups here.

Find and contact your local group with our group finder.

How many groups are there?

We currently have about 300 groups meeting around the country. Find your local group using our group finder.

What do groups get up to?

Groups normally meet weekly, and will offer a mix of craft, games, discussion, music, drama, bushcraft and social action activities. Visit our Activities catalogue for examples of our group activities. Additionally, most will organise regular camps and residential trips, which may involve activities such as hiking, orienteering or watersports.

Do I need to be involved in running the group?

While many of the volunteers who run our groups are parents/carers of children that attend, many are not. It’s not compulsory that you help out, but we can only run our groups with the support of volunteers. If you’ve got the time to help, there’ll be a role for you. See our Volunteering page for more information, whether you’d like to help with activity sessions or support the group behind the scenes.

What does it cost?

Groups typically make a small charge to cover the cost of premises, equipment and other expenses. Usually this is around £2 to £3 per week, or the equivalent paid monthly or termly. We don’t want cost to be a barrier to young people accessing our activities. Therefore some groups invite voluntary donations on a ‘pay what you can’ basis instead. Contact your local group for more information.

Is there a uniform?

We don’t require members to wear a uniform. However, many young people and adults choose to wear Woodcraft Folk’s branded t-shirts, shirts or hoodies for activities and trips. We print these shirt on demand, using soft organic cotton and renewable energy – available from our online shop.

Can you cater for my child’s additional needs?

We want to make Woodcraft Folk accessible for all young people who would like to be involved. Our volunteers have lots of experience of supporting young members with a range of additional needs – it’s best to discuss your child’s needs with the leaders in your local group.

How does Woodcraft Folk keep young people safe?

Woodcraft Folk’s Safeguarding Policy sets out how we safeguard our young members, in line with our legal responsibilities and our commitment to children’s rights. We screen and train our volunteers and risk assess activities and trips. Every group has a local safeguarding lead to act as a point of contact for concerns or queries.


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