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I donated to Adventures for All #ChristmasChallenge to help more children go on Woodcraft Folk camps, full of outdoor adventures, co-operative games & peace education – everything donated until 5th December is match funded bit.ly/AdventuresForAll
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I just donated to Adventures for All – can you donate today to help more children go on Woodcraft Folk camps? bit.ly/AdventuresForAll Everything donated until 5th December is match funded via the #ChristmasChallenge
Each trip funded by this campaign is an adventure for a child who otherwise would not be able to attend, full of co-operative play, social action, environmental & peace education. In 2024, Woodcraft Folk aims to host 15,000 residential trips in the great outdoors. Donations will reduce barriers to attending Woodcraft Folk camps, so that children and young people with the most to gain can benefit from adventurous outdoor education.
[If you’re up for it, write something here about your experiences with Woodcraft Folk!]
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