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Venturer Camp 2023

Between 5th and 12th August 2023, young people age 13-17 from around the country will come together and camp for a week to live Woodcraft Folk’s values and have fun! The camp will take place at our Biblins Youth Campsite in the beautiful Wye Valley.

What to expect

Campers can expect to be split into villages. The campsite has a long gravel track running through the whole site and the villages are based along it. Each village contains roughly 100 people, made up of several districts and groups.

All campers will help with activities such as cooking, cleaning and helping to create a cooperative atmosphere during the event. Each village has a KP who organises food within the village, but the menu is set centrally along with the food pick up. This is picked up every day by a few people from the cooking clan. The villages also need to provide their own first aid lead, safeguarding lead and village coordinator, more information on what each of these people do and how you can get involved will be published closer to camp.

Each afternoon there are activities in the central area which are all free and welcome to all to join. The exact activities which are being run will be announced on camp. Most activities are workshops hosted in tents (called Centres), along with some other activities such as Cinema Tent, and cafes.

The evening program is also hosted centrally, this includes evening/late afternoon workshops and The News, which is hosted in the main marquee.

Head over to the Venturer Camp website to find out more and all the information you need about booking with your group. If you are not part of a Woodcraft Folk group but would like to get involved or participate as a distanced member please get in touch to

For more information or to get involved contact:

Latest Venturer Camp 2023 News

Venturer Camp is an youth camp which is run every three years by youth organisation Woodcraft...

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