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Leaves for Life

Young people from Woodcraft Folk groups in Kelvingrove, Glasgow, are been busy preparing for the COP26 environmental conference arriving in their city next month. As part of their preparations they have joined the Leaves for Life campaign — a mass action of solidarity by the people of Scotland with indigenous communities in Colombia, on the front line of the climate crisis.

Groups across Scotland will create giant leaf flags to create a forest canopy, which will be installed of leaves for life to be installed at the Briggait, and in the Intermedia Gallery at the Centre for Contemporary Arts.

Woodcraft Folk groups across the UK are invited to join the project by making leaves of their own to send to Glasgow ready for COP26 — leaves should be around a metre in length and cut from fabric.

If you are planning to get involved, organisers would love to hear from you with details of how many leaves you hope to make — get in touch by emailing

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