Kids Got Rights Celebrate Rights of the Child Day

On International Rights of the Child Day (20/11/21) Woodcraft Folk’s Trustee Board (General Council) together with some staff and volunteers engaged in a child-led workshop exploring the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

Workshop facilitators, Johan (13) and Henry (11) from Leeds, led the workshops as part of an ongoing project on Children’s Rights. Woodcraft Folk is one of 7 organisations working with the International Falcon Movement to raise awareness of Children’s Rights as part of the Kids Got Rights project. 

Johan and Henry used a variety of participative tools to support the adults to explore and add to their understanding of the UN Convention. Adults participated in a short quiz challenging their knowledge of Children’s Rights in relation to employment, privacy, education and health care. They then played charade and a rights whisper game, all good fun whilst helping the group feel confident in describing Children’s Rights.

The groups reflected that as we celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the Convention too many children and young people experience discrmination, abuse and food insecurity. Together we shared our experiences of Children’s Rights, the impact of lockdown in removing a child’s right to play.

Woodcraft Folk’s Chair of the Trustee board, Aggie Taylor said “It was refreshing to have such young leaders at our General Council meeting as it was a reminder not only of the amazing work Woodcraft Folk is doing but also of the competencies of our young people and how important it is for us as adult leaders to be enabling them to use their voice in Woodcraft Folk and beyond”.

For more information about the Kids Got Rights project please visit here.

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