Frequent visitors to youth organisation Woodcraft Folk’s Cudham Centre will have noticed that there has been something missing – trees!
It was discovered earlier this year that the Ash trees which dominated the woodland at the Cudham Centre located in Kent got the disease Ash Dieback. With heavy hearts, the trees became hazardous to visitors and thad to be removed in the ancient woodland by the charity.
The woodland is now safe but as a result many trees have been lost and the charity was keen to restore the woodland but needed the public’s help. The centre set up a fundraiser to help fund the tree regeneration work and are thrilled that within eight days the target has been reached!

The funds raised will be used to replace the ash trees with a range of native species that are suitable for the Cudham centre’s soil including: beech, small leaved lime, field maple, hawthorn, rowan, silver birch, hazel, wild cherry and dogwood.
Planting a range of tree species should make the woodland more resilient to any future diseases and ensure the longevity of the woodland.
Cudham Centre Manager Tracy Cleveland says:
“We are thrilled to have reached our target in just over a week and can’t thank enough the public for their kind donations to help fill Cudham with trees once again. Children used to love playing in the woods when they visited Cudham and we are keen to ensure that kids in the future will have a restored woodland in which to make dens and explore.”
“Lots of hard work will be involved – the soil is full of flint, so the process of digging holes is difficult and we need to plant 341 trees!!! The site is also home to wonderful deer but it means we also need to order extra protection for young saplings. We need all hands on deck and will be hosting working days where we are inviting volunteers to help us plant trees. Please come along and join us, will promise to provide cake!”.
The centre will be relying on volunteer labour for the planting of the new trees. A series of working days are planned for Nov/Dec this year. If you are interested in helping, please contact Ros at The charity ensures they will supply cake to willing volunteers!