Woodcraft Folk’s Peer Action Collective (PAC) Peer Facilitators have delivered their first local co-operative values workshops to Changemakers (young people age 10-25) in Hull and Bradford in the past week.
The workshops were facilitated by two Woodcraft Folk young leaders, Eliza and Sadie. The workshops saw PAC Changemakers explore co-operative models of working through a range of different activities including creating youth statements about social action and working together to produce discussion webs.

The groups of Changemakers worked together to take part in activities and brought their cohorts closer together by giving space for them to explore cooperating and collaborating in different ways. They will take the skills learned forward into their PAC projects and campaigns.
The Coop and Woodcraft Folk aim to support PAC local teams of Changemakers (young people) to adopt co-operative approaches in their youth-led social action projects. Each local team involves up to 40 young people who have been recruited to address issues in their community as identified by youth-led research.
The participants are seeking to provide alternatives to young people who might otherwise be engaged in gang related activities or violence. Activities may include campaigning to improve local mental health services, setting up a youth centre or supporting young people into employment – the PAC will create opportunities for young people to make their community a safer, fairer place.

The Woodcraft Folk team of Peer Facilitators are now off to deliver similar sessions in Cardiff, Blackburn, Gateshead, Middlesbrough, Bristol, Birmingham and London.
For more information about the Peer Action Collective visit https://www.ypas.org.uk/get-involved/peer-action-collective-pac-project/
If you are interested in becoming a PAC Peer Facilitator head over to the project page to find out more and how to apply. https://woodcraft.org.uk/projects-campaigns/peer-action-collective-pac/