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Working weekend at Lockerbrook Farm

Come join us up in the Peak District for a Working Weekend at Lockerbook Farm Outdoor Centre from 17-19 November. Meet new people, see familiar faces and discover our little pocket of the peaks while helping out.

Working weekends and weeks are events that woodcraft run to keep our centres going. They are free to attend. Food and accommodation is provided in return for your help with whatever jobs need doing. Generally, there will be a selection of work set out in the daytime followed by plenty of social time in the evenings and breaks throughout.

Our sites can always do with a helping hand to maintain and improve what we offer as a Woodcraft Folk space- from cutting hedges and stonewall construction down to games cupboard sorting and sewing there’s something everyone can contribute. We are a small team at Lockerbrook and every help is appreciated. We will give you plenty of guidance and even more biscuits and tea as a thanks as well as a provide a cosy fire in the evening!

Anyone over 18 is welcome to attend- you do not need to be a woodcraft member, so invite your friends.
We have limited space for under 13 to 18 year olds and they must be accompanied by a parent/carer and supervised by them at all times.

You can arrive from Friday evening, food available from Friday lunch time. Just let us know on the booking form so that we know numbers for each meal.

Email to be sent a copy of the booking form / for any questions.

At this event, we will also be joined by the Derbyshire Dry Stone Walling Association who will support in building us some new, stronger walls. There will be limited places to join them where you will complete a short course.


17 - 19 Nov 2023


All of the day


Lockerbrook Farm Outdoor Centre
Lockerbrook Farm Outdoor Centre Snake Pass, Bamford, Hope Valley S33 0BJ

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