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Woodcraft Folk Bushcraft Camp

Woodcraft Folk’s Bushcraft Group is running a camp at Wimbledon District Woodcraft Folk Park Farm in Lurgashall from October 6th to 8th.

This is aimed at Pioneers, Venturers and DFs.

There are a total of 35 places which can be made up of various groups; in suggested sizes of 8-10 including leaders (ratios can be discussed). All those who are aged 16 or over must be current Woodcraft Folk members with an up to date DBS.

We are taking registrations of interest which must be completed as soon as possible. Bookings will be confirmed by Friday 15th September.

If your group is interested in attending, please fill in the form below.

For more info please email

Please click here for the booking form.


06 - 08 Oct 2023


All of the day

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