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Singing weekend @ Cudham

The NHLF funded 50 years of Cudham project is inviting Venturers, DFs and Kinsfolk to a weekend of celebrating singing at Woodcraft Folk from 21-23 March. If you are interested in continuing or developing singing in your group or District this is the weekend for you.

Friday Night we will be joined by Owen Morgan from Lewisham & Greenwich District who has written a camp song called Singing for a New World, Owen will introduce us to the song, which can be sung in a call and response style. The rest of the evening will be an informal gathering looking at song books and songs from across the years.

Saturday will have a series of workshops starting off with a positive percussion session, exploring how to get everyone involved from Woodchips to Kinsfolk. Other sessions will involving sitting around the campfire, identifying what makes a good campfire sing along, what to include and how to manage group sessions (pitfalls and pointers). Saturday afternoon will see Owen Sedgwick-Jell, Woodcraft Folk’s Head of Membership & Programmes, supporting the group to share:

  • Current folk songs and some old favourites
  • Simple harmony songs and rounds
  • The Colourchord method for singing in harmony

After dinner there will be another informal session, working through song choices – you can identify the song you most want to learn or share.

Sunday morning will see the official opening of Cudham’s Heritage room, sharing resources available on site for groups to use when they visit. We hope that Peter Dixon, one of our original volunteers, will officially open the room before sharing a few of his favourite elfin action songs with us.

The weekend is aimed at Venturer age and up, everyone is welcome on the understanding that they are willing to join in with sessions and take part in clan activity to keep the weekend running.

To book onto the event, please fill in this form.

If you have any questions, please speak to Tracy or email


21 - 23 Mar 2025


All of the day


Cudham Environmental Activities Centre
New Barn Lane, Westerham Hill, Kent, TN16 2HT

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