Earlier this month, DFs from around the country made their way up to Scotland for their annual Spring Awakening event.
District Fellows (DFs) are aged 16-20 and are are autonomous organisation part of the Woodcraft Folk, a co-operative grassroots movement for young people. The DFs have their own committee run by and for their members, who organise camps and social events where they run workshops, develop lasting friendships and explore topical issues such as peace and equality that are important to them as well as have fun!
From late night ceilidhs to climate education and sunny rambles, Spring Awakening was a successful first DF social event of the year.
Attendees spent five days sharing a scout hut between Glasgow and Edinburgh, taking advantage of the beautiful weather and catching up with friends.

If you came and had a great time or missed out don’t worry there are more DF events coming up. At the beginning of June, the DF committee will be holding an event to discuss how DFs is run in London, and from the 20th to the 27th of July they will be camping in Bristol for the biggest social event of the year.
Follow the DF Instagram account here or keep an eye on the DF website spanthat.world for more info and links to booking forms for future events. If you have any questions about the wider DF movement you can email chair@spanthat.world or for event specific enquiries email events@spanthat.world.
If you are interested in joining Woodcraft Folk as a DF, head here to find your nearest group.