Christmas fun at Cudham

From the 9th to the 11th of December, Cudham centre received around 25 Elfins for the annual Elfin sleepover. A wonderful event organised by Tracy Cleveland with plenty of activities and games. 

The first activity of the evening was a night walk into the woods, all the Elfins received a torch, put on their warmest clothes and went on the walk to discover the beautiful area. They saw some badger holes and other wildlife.

After supper, they all gather around the fireplace to sing Woodcraft’s songs and Christmas’ songs, then they enjoyed listening to a great story told by Tracy while having a nice cup of hot chocolate. 

On the next morning, the Elfins did some crafts, such as, making Christmas cards, decorating biscuits, creating a christmas tree with pine cones and decorating a log candle holder. 

Then, they had time to play outside, to play different games and have fun.

All the Elfins went home with a bag full of their creations and some gifts that the leaders secretly put on their bags while they were asleep.

It was a great opportunity for the elfins to spend their weekend, by making new friends, being creative and playing games.

Next year the Elfin sleepover will be on the 8th-10th of December 2023, don’t miss this opportunity.

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