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This is a seventeenth century farmhouse high above the Calder Valley between Todmorden and Hebden Bridge, in West Yorkshire. It is owned by the Woodcraft Folk and used by groups of up to 30 children and young people – or adults who don’t mind sleeping on the floor!

A breath of fresh air

Height Gate is ideally located for groups wanting to explore the South Pennines. The Stoodley Pike obelisk is a short scramble from the centre.

A network of footpaths, including some paved ’causey paths’ (old packhorse routes), criss-cross the hillside. There are also delightful wooded cloughs to explore, and in the Calder Valley itself the picturesque Rochdale Canal can be followed both to Todmorden and Hebden Bridge. The Bronte village of Haworth is a day’s hike away.

Curlews nest in the fields near Height Gate in the spring, and peregrine falcons also breed in the area

The Centre is owned by the Woodcraft Folk and managed by volunteers on Height Gate Management Committee.

Height Gate is a non-staffed property, working on simple lines. It relies on its users and a few volunteers to keep it clean and running smoothly.

Head here to book and find out more.

The road to Height Gate

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