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Annual General Meeting 2024

Woodcraft Folk’s 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on the Saturday 15th June @ 2pm.

We will be seeking to trial the ‘hub model’ proposed in 2019, bringing together members on a local, regional and national level with others joining online to reduce barriers of participation (cost, time, travel etc).

The meeting will welcome motions and discussion topics, prioritising those from children and young people, please submit all motions in writing by 12 noon on Friday 22nd March 2024.


Once more, we will be asking groups and Districts to vote in advance of the AGM for candidates for both General Council and Standing Orders Committee. The election will be managed by the Standing Orders Committee with the results announced at the AGM on Saturday 15th June.

We have 7 vacancies for General Council (2 16-24 yr old and 5 lay) and 3 vacancies for Standing Orders Committee.

General Council would like to encourage nominations which reflect the diversity of our membership, especially people of colour, women, transgender and non-binary people.

General Council would also like to encourage individuals with experience and an interest in financial planning, fundraising and communications. For those who might be interested in finding out more and what it is like to be on General Council please email Aggie on

Key dates and what we need you to do

Right now – Think about people you know in Woodcraft Folk who could make a contribution to General Council or Standing Orders Committee, tell them they’d be great and encourage them to stand.

By Friday 22nd March – Submit your ideas for motions and discussions. Standing Orders is available to offer support, but please email them as early as possible so that SOC can help you prepare your motion ahead of the deadline.

Between now and noon Friday 17th May– Get your nomination forms in for General Council or Standing Orders Committee. Please email forms to

By noon Friday 24th May – Agree who will be representing your group and District or whether you wish to nominate a proxy.

By Monday 10th June – Make sure you complete the voting forms for General Council and Standing Orders Committee.

On Saturday 15th June – Join us in person or online for a co-operative and participative meeting.

If you have any questions have any questions about the AGM, the elections or how we are managing this please do contact us at

We will contact you again in March to confirm the draft agenda, voting arrangements and AGM delegates.

Useful documents:

Find the Convening Notice here

Find the Elections booklet here

Find the Final Agenda here

Find here the meeting notes from 2023’s AGM

Find the 2023 Annual Report here

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