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Climate Negotiations

Can you collaborate effectively with others to secure a deal before time runs out for the environment?

Science Fair

Use your collective climate change knowledge to find and share possible solutions!

Eco Bricks

Single use plastic causes pollutes the natural environment – make your own Eco Bricks to capture and reuse harmful plastic waste!

Citizen Science

We can’t save the natural world without understanding it. Become a citizen scientist to help us learn and plan for the future!

Sea Ice

We know that sea levels are rising – help young members understand this with a visual explanation

Human Computers

Computers can help us create new solutions to climate change, but how does their software really work?


Plant seeds, not bombs! Promote biodiversity in your area, and help bees and other pollinators by growing wildflowers in your local area

Bird Behaviour

Head to your local park, nature reserve, or even just a tree-lined street to discover the behaviour of different bird species in your neighbourhood.

Bat & Moth

Bats hunt their insect prey using echolocation – try this game to see if you’d succeed as a bat, or whether you’d go hungry!

Pond Dipping

Explore your local pond and take a closer look at the weird and wonderful creatures that make it their home!

Food Chains

Plants and animals form a fragile ecosystem – what happens if one part of a food chain is disrupted?

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