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Why do visas exist?


This activity involves creating your own talk show to discuss visa policies


  • Think through why visas exist and how they complement our reflections about borders
  • Discover which interests are mainly driving the mechanism / system of visas
  • Discuss alternatives to visas


  • Post-it notes
  • Pens
  • Flipchart paper
  • A fake microphone

What to do

Explain to the participants that now you are going to explore a bit more in detail the reasoning behind visas. For this you are using a role-play method by playing a talk show situation.

Split the group into three smaller groups and divide the roles between them: one should be a speaker for governments, one for the economy/corporations and one for an opposition socialist party.

Each group has to prepare an argumentation on why visas make sense (or maybe no sense) for their role. They have to appoint one person to speak for the group in the talk show. They have 25 minutes to prepare their reasoning.

They have to prepare an opening statement, some questions for the other groups and be ready to answer some questions that the others may have for them, so it’s also important to think about which statements the other groups might come up with.

After these 25 minutes you are going into acting out the talk show. One of the facilitators moderates it, introduces the speakers first and then gives the floor to the different participants. After their introductory statement, they should also have the chance to answer questions of the other participants.

Discussion Questions

Thinking about their roles:

  • Was it difficult to come up with ideas?
  • Did the other groups say what you were expecting?
    What surprised you from the other group’s reasoning?

Now, as themselves:

  • What do you agree with?
  • Do you think visas make sense?
  • How are they used to stop people from moving?
  • Do they work the same for everyone?
  • Thinking specifically about the corporations, are they having the same barriers to move their products or to move money?

This activity is from IFM-SEI’s On The Move Resource which is a handbook that explores the topics of migration, refugees, visas and regional youth work in order to educate and fight for world where a child or young person’s rights are not dictated by where they are born. This resource highlights that it is vital for young people to understand the issues around migration and mobility as a first step in being able to identify and get practical skills to help tackle these human rights infringements. It includes practical guidance on how to include refugees and migrants in your youth organisation and its activities. Find it here.

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