Where in the world? (Is IFM-SEI)


This activity supports groups to learn where Woodcraft Folk partners and friends from the International Falcon Movement, Socialist Education International (IFM-SEI) has member organisations across the world. IFM-SEI is made up of likeminded organisations who share our values in all parts of the globe.

What you need

Print outs of the table of IFM-SEI organisations logos, names and countries; cut and separate out the logos from the countries and organization names. You can print several copies of the table depending on size of group.

A large world map poster or projection

Look at the IFM-SEI website https://ifm-sei.org/our-members-2023/ to see the members and find their social media, websites etc

What to do

Ask if anybody has been to an international camp with Woodcraft Folk. Can you remember any of the organisations you camped with or the places they came from?

Has anyone from the group heard of IFM-SEI? Take their ideas and explain that The International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International is an international educational movement working to empower children and young people to take an active role in society and fight for their rights. It is
an umbrella organisation for child and youth-led movements (like ours) all over the world, educating on the basis of our common socialist values of equality, democracy, peace, solidarity, co-operation, anti-capitalism and friendship.

Through IFM-SEI, we have sister organisation all over the world. Can you match the logo to the organisation and then guess where in the world they come from?

Split everyone into smaller groups and give them each a set of the logos and organisation names. For an easier version, you can also hand out the list of countries to match up.

  • Give the groups 15 minutes to try and match the names up.
  • Come back together and ask each group in turn to match a logo with a
    name and pin them on the map to guess the country. Correct as you go
    until all of the logos are pinned on the map.

Discussion questions

  • Did you know we have connections to so many organisations across the world?
  • How does that feel?
  • Why is internationalism a good thing?
  • Are there any organisations you want to find out more about? You can look on the IFM-SEI website to find their websites or social media and contact details!

Resources Required


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