Diversity game show


Depending on the numbers of young people, this game can either be played with several groups of around 5 or 6, or as a single group. The group(s) are asked a range of questions and the aim of the activity is to get as many ‘diversity points’ as possible within the time limit.

The leader keeps note of the points on a large sheet of paper, adding all the points together so the groups are all contributing to a single collective goal, and each time the points reach 10, or 5 for smaller groups, a star or smiley face should be drawn on the other sheet by one of the group.

When you have explained the rules, set the timer for however long you want the activity to last (20 minutes is probably a reasonable time). If you don’t have an oven timer or stopwatch, the leader can time the session on their watch, shouting out half way marks etc to keep the excitement going.

Some suggested ‘rounds’ are:

  • How many different types of pets does your group have?
  • How many different countries have your group visited?
  • How many piercings are there in your group?
  • How many different skin colours are there in your group?
  • How many different star signs are there in your group?
  • How many different musical instruments does your group play?
  • How many different faith traditions or denominations are there in your group?
  • How many different ethnic backgrounds does your group have?
  • How many different languages can your group speak?

When the Venturers have figured out how many points they have for each session, they should sit in a line to indicate they are ready. Rather than just add the points together and give the points total, the leader should ask each group to list what they’ve got, for example, the faith traditions in their group.

Resources Required

2 large sheets of paper, a marker pen, a timer.


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